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Exchange-traded Funds (ETFs) and Mutual Funds

What are ETFs and mutual funds? How might they help a portfolio? And most importantly, how do you choose? Get the answers in these articles and videos.


Investors seeking outperformance and targeted allocation can consider actively managed ETFs to help navigate market uncertainty in a tax-efficient manner.

Learn what closed-end funds are, how they compare to open-end funds, and considerations when investing in them.

Are you looking for ways to potentially generate income with your portfolio—perhaps from dividends or interest earned? Income seekers can choose from several types of investments, including mutual funds, but in this article we’ll focus on exchange-traded funds (ETFs). When an ETF owns income-producing investments, like bonds or dividend-paying stocks, it passes on that income to investors who hold the ETF’s shares.

As you evaluate an ETF as a potential investment, try a few simple steps: Understand your needs. Understand the value. Review the risks.

Leveraged and inverse exchange-traded products (ETPs) are considerably different than traditional exchange-traded products. They come with unique risks that investors should be aware of before incorporating them into their portfolios.

You probably already know that an exchange-traded fund, or ETF, can be a basket of different investments that can be bought and sold during market hours, like a stock. ETFs can offer diversified, low-cost, and transparent access to the world’s investment markets. Here’s what you need to know to get started with ETFs.

Along with stocks and mutual funds, ETFs are a popular type of investment. They can offer diversification, low investing costs, among other potential benefits. But what exactly is an ETF?

Read this article to understand some basic differences between ETFs and mutual funds.

Understanding the similarities and differences between stocks and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) is the first step in deciding how they may fit your investment goals. But first, let’s be clear about what stocks and ETFs are.

There's a diverse list of many different ETFs to choose from so here's a broad overview to get started. Read this article to learn more.

Mutual funds are a common type of investment found in the portfolios of many investors. In fact, if you have a retirement account such as a 401(k), you may already own a mutual fund. They are a simple way to diversify your portfolio and potentially benefit from professional management.

Choosing a mutual fund can feel overwhelming. After all, there are thousands of funds you could buy. So where to begin? Read on to learn more.

When you’re researching mutual funds for your portfolio, it’s important to look at several factors, including the fund’s investment objective, track record, and risk level. But what about taxes? How much should they impact your decision?

Understanding how to evaluate risk can help you make choices that will help you survive changing market environments and work toward your long-term goals—while still being able to sleep at night.

As investors explore ways to enhance returns and manage risk, liquid alternative funds have emerged as a potential choice. Learn what they are and what to consider before investing.

These funds may provide a lower-risk, liquid vehicle for short-term investors.

Learn about some common alternative-type investment strategies that may help investors diversify portfolios, manage risk, and enhance returns.

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