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Concentrating on commodities
When most people think of investing, they usually think of buying stocks and bonds. But if an investor is looking for more diversification, investing in commodities may provide an answer. Raw materials such as oil and gas, or wheat and cattle, or even gold and silver, are commodities that generally have relatively low correlations to stock and bond investments. In addition, they have historically provided a hedge against inflation. An investor who devotes a certain percentage of their assets to these basic goods could be enhancing their overall portfolio in more ways than one.

The ETFs shown below invest almost exclusively in commodities.
Data as of ET
Fund Name / Symbol
Overall Morningstar
Market Price
Today's %
Data quoted represents past performance. Past performance is not an indication of future results and investment returns and share prices will fluctuate on a daily basis. Your investment may be worth more or less than your original cost when you redeem your shares. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. For most recent month-end performance and current performance metrics, please click on the fund name.
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