Small companies
Small-cap companies are modest sized ($2 billion or less in market capitalization) and often young firms that bring new products and services to market—though some are mature and stable businesses. They operate in niche markets or relatively new industries with long-term growth potential. Investors tend to incorporate small caps into their portfolios because they don’t move directly in lockstep with the broader market, providing diversification.
Check out other thematic investing topics
Undervalued large firms
Consider putting your money in large companies whose stocks may be underpriced based on the principles of value investing.
Health care innovators
Discover how to put your money behind health care and biotechnology companies that are pursuing medical breakthroughs.
Emerging economies
Explore ways to diversify your portfolio by considering investing in countries with developing economies that may be growing rapidly.
Technology pacesetters
Learn how to invest in leading technology innovators that are looking to change the way the world works.
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