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Dividend dominant

A dividend is a payment made by a publicly traded company to its shareholders, usually out of its profits. While it can vary, dividends are typically paid on a quarterly basis. Dividend-paying stocks aim to provide investors with a regular income stream along with possible growth in the value of the stock. Many high-dividend companies can be found in recession-resistant sectors, including consumer staples and utilities. In times of low interest rates or economic uncertainty, investors may turn to dividend payers.

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These investments focus on companies that have historically paid higher dividends than the broad market.



Data as of ET
Fund Name / Symbol
Overall Morningstar
Market Price
Today's %
Data quoted represents past performance. Past performance is not an indication of future results and investment returns and share prices will fluctuate on a daily basis. Your investment may be worth more or less than your original cost when you redeem your shares. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. For most recent month-end performance and current performance metrics, please click on the fund name.

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