Total Wealth View

Total Wealth View (asset aggregation) is a tool offered by Morgan Stanley and its unaffiliated service provider, Yodlee Inc. Asset aggregation utilizes technology that retrieves information about external accounts, assets, and liabilities at or available through third party sites as authorized by you. Information provided via the tool is provided solely as a service to you and is in no way intended to be, and should not be construed as, an offer or a solicitation of an offer or a recommendation to buy, sell, or hold any security, financial product, or instrument or to open a particular account or to engage in any specific investment strategy. Additional information about the services described is in the applicable terms of use.

If you have enrolled in Total Wealth View, "Total Wealth" represents the total value of your aggregated accounts and assets, minus your liabilities, held with Morgan Stanley, if applicable, and at external financial institutions. If you wish to exclude certain accounts, assets or liabilities from the calculation of your Total Wealth, you must do so manually using applicable feature of the Total Wealth View tool.

Information about External Assets Displayed

Information related to External Assets (as defined below) is provided solely as a service to you from externally integrated data sources which include, but are not limited to, the Total Wealth View tool and unaffiliated residential mortgage loan information. Morgan Stanley believes such sources to be reliable but have not independently verified, and as such, you should always consult the official statements provided by your External Asset custodian for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

For purposes of account displays and related website pages, unless noted otherwise, accounts, assets or liabilities indicated as "external" are those custodied at or held with any entity other than a Morgan Stanley affiliate (including Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC (MS & Co), or any Morgan Stanley banking entity) (External Assets) In performance calculations, the inception date referenced will reflect the first date on which Morgan Stanley received account information from the custodian. If information on an External Asset cannot be reported, it may be displayed as “Unavailable", which indicates it is a null data field; however, there are no indicators for MS & Co, External Assets, and Manual Accounts if they are impacted by wash sales. Any applicable residential mortgage loans displayed that are not held by Morgan Stanley Private Bank, National Association are not included in the Total Liabilities calculation. For some external fixed income and option holdings displayed via Total Wealth View, the quantity may not be available. Other information about External Assets displayed may be disclosed to you on the screen.

Assets not custodied at Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC (MSSB) are not covered by SIPC protection at MSSB or by additional protection under MSSB's excess of SIPC insurance coverage. However, these assets may be subject to SIPC coverage at the entity at which they are custodied.

Information about Manually Added Accounts (Manual Accounts)

“Manual Accounts” generally refers to accounts, assets, and/or liabilities, as applicable, that you hold with other financial institutions and/or which may be custodied outside of Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC ('Manual Accounts'). Information about such Manual Accounts is manually inputted, updated and maintained solely by you or by your Financial Advisor/Private Wealth Advisor if you have provided instruction to your Financial Advisor/Private Wealth Advisor to manually input, update, and maintain Manual Account information. We do not independently verify any information related to your Manual Accounts and you are solely responsible for the accuracy and completeness of any Manual Account information that you provide to us.

The inception date referenced in this view will reflect the date on which information about the Manual Accounts was input by you and/or your Financial Advisor/Private Wealth Advisor. If information on a Manual Account asset cannot be reported, it will be noted, though, there are no indicators for Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC accounts/assets, External Assets, and Manual Accounts if they are impacted by wash sales. Information we receive regarding your Manual Account will not automatically update with any of the appropriateness and client profile information you had provided to us at account opening.

Assets not custodied with Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC (MSSB) are not covered by SIPC protection at MSSB or by additional protection under MSSB’s excess insurance coverage plans. However, these assets may be subject to SIPC coverage at the entity at which they are custodied.